Development Finance Forum
Getting on the Right Track – the Future of Urban Mobility
18 -19 December 2018, Frankfurt
The Development Finance Forum is KfW Development Bank's most important annual event that each time focuses on a current topic related to development cooperation. This year it will be about sustainable mobility. The meeting is entitled "Getting on the Right Track – The Future of Urban Mobility" and will take place on 18 and 19 December at KfW in Frankfurt. Around 200 experts from all over the world will attend the future of mobility in the cities of developing countries. In the industrialised countries, the discussion is already in full swing, while in the developing countries it is only just beginning. With the Development Finance Forum KfW seeks to give this debate additional impetus.
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Getting on the Right Track – the Future of Urban Mobility
18 -19 December 2018, Frankfurt
The Development Finance Forum is KfW Development Bank's most important annual event that each time focuses on a current topic related to development cooperation. This year it will be about sustainable mobility. The meeting is entitled "Getting on the Right Track – The Future of Urban Mobility" and will take place on 18 and 19 December at KfW in Frankfurt. Around 200 experts from all over the world will attend the future of mobility in the cities of developing countries. In the industrialised countries, the discussion is already in full swing, while in the developing countries it is only just beginning. With the Development Finance Forum KfW seeks to give this debate additional impetus.
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