SDG Action Zone event on Protection and Reinvention: Supporting Urban Mobility Through Green Transportation
23 September 2020
11.45 - 12.30 EST
The COVID-19 pandemic has showcased the critical role of transport services in our cities. It has also shown how challenging, yet important, it can be to maintain transport in an uninterrupted manner, reaching all residents including those previously unserved or with limited access. Post-COVID-19, cities will have to promote more sustainable pathways, in which economic development is decoupled from private motorization – in order to enhance the cities’ resilience of future crises. We have a window of opportunity to learn from the current pandemic and to build back better by making mobility more responsive to crises. This session will discuss how cities can future-proof their mobility systems and become stronger to address climate change, air pollution, road fatalities and future pandemics. Only then, the world will be able to achieve the SDGs, particularly the ones with strong relevance for transport such as good health (SDG 3), sustainable urbanization (SDG 11), and climate (SDG 13).
There will be an exciting line up of speakers from the Urban Pathways network as well as the wider sustainable mobility community - incl. Her Excellency, Ms. Dagmawit Moges, the Transport Minister of Ethiopia; Eveline Trevisan, Coordinator for Sustainability and Environment, BHTrans, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Edwins Mukabanah, Chairman, National Federation of Public Transport Operators, Nairobi, Kenya; Mzikhona Mgedle, Founder, Langa Bicycle Hub, Cape Town, South Africa; and Armin Wagner, Teamleader Sustainable Mobility, GIZ.
11.45 - 12.30 EST
The COVID-19 pandemic has showcased the critical role of transport services in our cities. It has also shown how challenging, yet important, it can be to maintain transport in an uninterrupted manner, reaching all residents including those previously unserved or with limited access. Post-COVID-19, cities will have to promote more sustainable pathways, in which economic development is decoupled from private motorization – in order to enhance the cities’ resilience of future crises. We have a window of opportunity to learn from the current pandemic and to build back better by making mobility more responsive to crises. This session will discuss how cities can future-proof their mobility systems and become stronger to address climate change, air pollution, road fatalities and future pandemics. Only then, the world will be able to achieve the SDGs, particularly the ones with strong relevance for transport such as good health (SDG 3), sustainable urbanization (SDG 11), and climate (SDG 13).
There will be an exciting line up of speakers from the Urban Pathways network as well as the wider sustainable mobility community - incl. Her Excellency, Ms. Dagmawit Moges, the Transport Minister of Ethiopia; Eveline Trevisan, Coordinator for Sustainability and Environment, BHTrans, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Edwins Mukabanah, Chairman, National Federation of Public Transport Operators, Nairobi, Kenya; Mzikhona Mgedle, Founder, Langa Bicycle Hub, Cape Town, South Africa; and Armin Wagner, Teamleader Sustainable Mobility, GIZ.