The Urban Change Maker programme consists of a wide-raging capacity building programme directed towards decision makers and advisors in local and national authorities and private sector actors. At the core of this programme works a group of professionals who are combining implementation-oriented work with academic studies at different levels.
The Urban Change Maker Group is hosted by the Technical University Berlin (TUB) and aims to link academic studies and assignments with the collaboration with partner cities in the context of innovative urban Living Labs. The group facilitates active exchange on innovative, replicable and scalable solutions that can make a positive contribution to urban transformation processes. The Urban Change Maker programme consist of several elements that combine academic studies and applied research in urban living labs. This includes online learning, short courses and on-site trainings, webinars, lectures, courses in selected master’s programs, as well as thesis supervisions. The Urban Change Maker Group brings together highly motivated young professionals from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas who combine Masters and PhD studies with action-oriented work in Urban Pathways and SOLUTIONSplus partner cities. If you are interested in developing a Master or PhD thesis linked to the Urban Living Labs please contact the Urban Pathways coordinator: [email protected] |
In cooperation with the SOLUTIONSplus project the Urban Change Maker Group under UP organised a summer school in 2020 and Regional Trainings in 2021 & 2022.
Module 1
Webinars and e-learning courses to explore options for the update of innovative sustainable urban solutions. First e-learning course: Electric Mobility
Second e-learning course: Energy
Third e-learning course: Waste mangement
Module 4
Support pilot cities in implementing sustainable urban solutions, including support for cities to: