Webinar Series 2018
6 December 2018, 2-4pm
Programme and registration Bus Rapid Transit –Lessons Learned from the SUSTRAN project
Past events
18 October 2018, 9-11pm
Planning the Cycling City
18 October 2018, 9-11pm
Planning the Cycling City
- Human-Scale Urban Mobility
- Planning the Cycling City –Lessons From Amsterdam
13 September 2018
Sustainable Urban Mobility in Action
Transport & Climate Change
Sustainable transport solutions offer significant mitigation potential and are essential in meeting the climate goals. There is an urgent need for action towards zero emission mobility solutions. The mitigation potential of transport is further enhanced by moving towards compact cities, short distance trips and clean modes of transport.
Improvements and actions towards increased resilience and adaptive capacity of key transport infrastructure, networks, and services are key to combating the impacts of climate change, including preparedness, protection, response and recovery.
Sustainable Urban Mobility in Action
Transport & Climate Change
- Low Carbon Urban Mobility in Action
- Resilient Transport - The case of a resilient BRT system in Toronto
Sustainable transport solutions offer significant mitigation potential and are essential in meeting the climate goals. There is an urgent need for action towards zero emission mobility solutions. The mitigation potential of transport is further enhanced by moving towards compact cities, short distance trips and clean modes of transport.
Improvements and actions towards increased resilience and adaptive capacity of key transport infrastructure, networks, and services are key to combating the impacts of climate change, including preparedness, protection, response and recovery.